Looking for Job Opportunity: I am looking for PostDoc/Assi. Prof./Assi. Researcher opportunities. Kindly let me know if I am suited to the job and you are interested in working with me. Many thanks :)
Mentorship & Collaboration: From times to times, I mentor students and am passionate to collaborate with people on amazing research projects/ideas. If you would like to collaborate with me, don’t hesitate to drop me an email.
Changsheng Lu [CV-English, CV-中文] obtained his PhD degree from the School of Computing at The Australian National University in Jan 2025. His PhD supervisors are Dr. Piotr Koniusz, Dr. Liang Zheng, and Prof. Stephen Gould. Previously, he received the M.S. degree in control science and engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2020, and received the B.S. degree in Automation from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2017. He has wide research interests across computer vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Particularly, he is interested in the theories and algorithms that may improve a robot or an intelligent device’s peception, cognition and reasoning ability, which could empower the machine to see, think and conduct more like a human.
Currently, he is focusing on the research topics in multimodal generic vision, keypoint detection, zero- and few-shot learning, foundation model, and transfer learning.
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- Two papers are accepted to ECCV 2024! One paper is about zero- and few-shot keypoint detection (Z-FSKD) (one of my best works); another one is about motion transfer with realistic apparel animation co-authored with my colleague Rong Wang. Congratulations to Rong! I will attend ECCV 2024 in Milano, Italy.
- Our paper ``Detect Any Keypoints: An Efficient Light-Weight Few-Shot Keypoint Detector’’ has been accepted to AAAI’24 (the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)!
- One co-first authored paper about Few-shot shape recognition (FSSD) has been accepted to WACV’24. To our best knowledge, this is the first work in the field. Congratulations to Wenlong Shi.
- Two co-authored papers (Re. Diatom object detection & Shadow removal) have been accepted to IJCNN’23.
- One research paper about Few-shot Keypoint Detection (FSKD) gets accepted by CVPR’22.
- Two co-authored papers get accepted by ACCV’22 (Re. Deep General Ellipse detection) and ICONIP’22 (Re. Fast Stain Color Normalization). Congratulations to Tianhao Wang and Jiawei Cao.
- One co-authored paper about industrial scene text detection gets accepted by IEEE TCSVT. Congratulations to Tongkun Guan.
- Two papers about domain adaptation/transfer learning published in ICONIP’18 and Neurocomputing. [here]
- Our High-quality Ellipse Detector gets accepted by IEEE T-IP and exceeds 450+ stars in github (rank top1 so far). We also have an IEEE ICIP version for circle detection.
Awards and Honors
Outstanding reviewer for ECCV 2022, 2022-10-19
Outstanding Thesis Award for master graduate student, awarded by Shanghai Association of Automation (CAA), 2021-01-18
Outstanding Graduate Student in Shanghai, 2020-3.
National Scholarship for graduate student (Two times, 2019-9, 2017-11).
2018 Scholarship of 14th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Corporation, 2018-12.
The Excellent League Member of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2018-5.
2017 First class award for excellent undergraduate thesis of universities in Jiangsu province, 2018-4.
Outstanding Undergraduate of Southeast University, 2017-6.
Envision future Scholarship, 2017-6.
Provincial First Prize of National Electronic Design Competition (UEDC), two times in 2016 and 2015.
President Scholarship of Southeast University, 2014.
Merit Student of Southeast University, 2014.
First Prize of Advanced Mathematics Competition, 2014.
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Professional Activity
Journal Services
Served to review the manuscripts including
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI)
- International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP)
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (IEEE CIM)
- Pattern Recognition (PR)
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCIR)
- IET Image Processing (IET-IPR)
- Neural Processing Letters (NPL)
- IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
Conference Services
Served to review the manuscripts including
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For more information
Here is my CV [English Version, 中文简历].
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